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  1. https://hash.game/#/sd/11PAPH0Y72R9X3 https://hash.game/#/sd/11PAPBNP5QOQVV https://hash.game/#/sd/11PAPB681PAUXN https://hash.game/#/sd/11PAJPPZK0EWIJ https://hash.game/#/sd/11P985IPPA3DD3 https://hash.game/#/sd/11P97ZXKGGKRNB https://hash.game/#/sd/11P97U0YYRLKYV https://hash.game/#/sd/11P985IPPA3DD3
  2. Before I get into the criticism of tbe updates, I want to make it clear that I have no arguments about the wins or losses. Bc game is a casino and if they aren't making money thsn they aren't going to stay on business. I understand the risk of gambling and if I lose that I knew the odds were in the houses favor from the start. Nobody forced me to play. Now that's out of the way I do have some major issues with the way they handle the updates and the lack of warnings that they where doing away with the rakeback without letting players know. I had money stored up in it and didn't know it was being eliminated and bc did post that it would be making up for it in the future and never did. It would of been nice to have out vip host inform us about it. That's is another issue on it own. Vip host are completely pointless to have any time I had an issue I got the same reply with no follow up every dingle time i gad am issue, and the reply was, "I'll pass it on". If that's the case, their completion percentage is worse than Aarr9n Rodgers this yr, 0٪ After the updateat the end of Sept, I deposited $75 in Cro and after playing for 10 hrs, my total wager in that time was around $43k. I had just over $1750 in my wallet that I won and tried to withdraw $1200 and my available balance was $4.92. I asked my vip host and his comment was to read the new rules which I did. I neededvto wager 40xs the amount of the $75 ($3k worth) and I was $40k over that. I then got the "I'll pass it on " comment and never heard back. But even so it is insane to say that of indeposit $1, I have to bet $40 to to be able to withdraw that. So after that day I didn't deposit any m9ney for a couple wks because that insane to expect to win anything having to wager that. I started playing again when that was changed back to having to wager 1:1 which is fair. I also contacted support to get help but that was even worse than asking my vip. And then again acouple wks ago i made a mistake by tipping 10 ppl 20ltc in rain when I meant to use my bcd. If intend someone $100 in a tip, I will get a high tip alert warning bur if I $750 in rain there is no warning? I dint get that either. I contacted the help center right away and sent 3 or 4 messages but no5none told dud I ever get a reply and mynhostbgor back to 2 days later. Even if there's nothing that can be done about that, it would still be nice to have someone talk to if I needed help but I was made to feel like I am not important enough to even have their time wasted to send a 1min message when I was in the chat rm trying to fig out why I only had $4.93 available after wagering $43k and only made 1 deposit of $75, I was muted with no explanation why. I didn't mouth anyone, curse or br rude towards, but just trying to ask eomeone ifvtbry could explain to me what the new deal is since I couldn't get the help center or my vip host to answer question, I get muted. Basically I took it as I was tild to shut up and don't ask, just follow the new rules. If that was any other casino that happened to with a player that has wagered over $7million in 1.5 yrs of playing, there's no way i would of been treated the way i was. So now I don't expect anything. I don't care any incentives they offer. I don't make big deposits and I don't interact wirh anyone because that experience changed the way look at bc. If I bet and win, great. If i lose, it's a few dollars. If they don't care bout this customer and think of me as a sheep thsn that's what they will get. With all that being said, when it comes to winning and losing, I actually think it's easier to win here than other casinos.
  3. https://hash.game/#/sd/11N4KX8UG08K3R https://hash.game/#/sd/11N4N0GE13O24N https://hash.game/#/sd/11N4NZCTIFL2C3 https://hash.game/#/sd/11N4P8NDKOT55N
  4. https://hash.game/#/sd/11E7MSRZWK5M37 https://hash.game/#/sd/11E5RVBNRP10K3 https://hash.game/#/sd/11E5SEO6LYZ6KZ https://hash.game/#/sd/11E5S2HL8RHY4Z https://hash.game/#/sd/11E5SRC3U6WIZ7 https://hash.game/#/sd/11E5SYWK7HGXLF https://hash.game/#/sd/11E5T4TF1M198Z https://hash.game/#/sd/11E5TNINM5H72R https://hash.game/#/sd/11E5U6HNOT6UXF https://hash.game/#/sd/11E7SDZCECAYOJ https://hash.game/#/sd/11E7S3OXQ2TUS3 https://hash.game/#/sd/11E7SKG9LSMKUR https://hash.game/#/sd/11E7UK6NBYGJ6B https://hash.game/#/sd/11E8GFAA9WNCB7 https://hash.game/#/sd/11E8FTMDT38V0Z https://hash.game/#/sd/11E90OXUEXJV9V https://hash.game/#/sd/11EAH688E1A5PJ https://hash.game/#/sd/11EAIHM7W7UHHV ť
  5. https://hash.game/#/sd/11E2M24P7JZCPF https://hash.game/#/sd/11E2LHGTB782KZ
  6. I'm suprised and not suprised. Not suprised because it comes across as if ur asking for a tip but doing it nonchalantly. There's WAY to many ppl that sit in chat rms begging for tips. it changed the way I interact with others because of it. Ill get 100's of pm's from ppl I never talked to asking for a tip or loan. Honwstly, it drives me crazy. I go to the casinos in A.C. 5-10x's a month and never does anyone ask a stranger for $. It's rude & disrespectful, to me and themselves. If they want to gamble then do it with ur $ and not mine. And when they tell you how honest they are and will pay u back, then right there is the reason why 97% don't pay it back. If they did pay ppl back then they wouldn't have to pm a stranger they never had any communication or interaction with, ever $ 30x's in days begging for it (even though i never replied to any of the messages) then they would be asking someone that trust they would pay them back. I'm am suprised because although it comes off as u begging for $, t's not nowhere as bad as 99% of the other beggers messages that are posted without mods banning them. I was muted for 24 hrs because I posted a winning casino tix in the sports chat when I never once went in that chat. I have only ever been in global chat, but for somereason all of a sudden everytime I refresh the page, it sends me into sports chat. When using bcgame on my phone, the chat isn't on my screen so I didn't know the link went in there. It didn't matter though. Got a 24 hr ban and 3 days ago I got banned I wasn't even in the chat once that day I went to tip someone and it said I was muted by a mod with no explanation why or even by which mod.
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