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  1. 9 points https://bc.game/#/sd/113FP754VWVC43 https://bc.game/#/sd/113FP894DMBZF7 https://bc.game/#/sd/113FP94NH79MOJ https://bc.game/#/sd/113FPDCMTR7B4J https://bc.game/#/sd/113FPF86ECCGER
  2. | 5.10x | 11x | 17x | 26x | 30x | 56x | 63x | 81.5x | 100x | 180x | 250x | 270x | 350x | 450x | 500x | 600x | 710x | 800x | 900x | 1000x
  3. User Id: 1651169 https://bc.game/#/sd/113353R039UV4J https://bc.game/#/sd/113354D3JCBZTF https://bc.game/#/sd/113355778JGNPV
  4. No more daily challanges??

  5. 1651169 x11 https://bc.game/#/sd/112I9234UWLLW3 x13 https://bc.game/#/sd/112IAJKS3Y0WER x22 https://bc.game/#/sd/112ICSLMOQEYAB x33 https://bc.game/#/sd/112IFIZV261EKZ x37 https://bc.game/#/sd/112I9N2ES8UM1F x43 https://bc.game/#/sd/112IBQKITU2WIB x58 https://bc.game/#/sd/112IJ6V8GWEIOJ
  6. 1651169 https://bc.game/#/sd/111Q4VWPG9H72R
  7. User Id: 1651169 https://bc.game/#/sd/10ZMANB7Z92U4Z x13 https://bc.game/#/sd/10ZMBANETQ43YR x22 https://bc.game/#/sd/10ZMBMKTXY09HV x11 https://bc.game/#/sd/10ZMDLQE64A42B x33 https://bc.game/#/sd/10ZMGIMFQ6EZ2R x43 https://bc.game/#/sd/10ZMHP17MCW177 x58 https://bc.game/#/sd/10ZNLU14E191XV x29
  8. Hello Players!! I decided to create this post as there is no other way to communicate some issues as there is no answers on messages and reporting seem to have no effect at all. So here is the story of my experience with daily challenges and how MOD spoiled all the fun by being incompetent for his role: I started with: I SCORED: 12/11/2022, 10:55:10 AM Payout 450 x Profit 4.49000000 https://bc.game/#/sd/10Z1N9JD9SXMAB And posted above results Posted Sunday at 10:58 AM but the WINNER of the challenge was Holdtodie On 12/11/2022, 2:59:27 PM Payout 450 x Profit 4.49449000 posting his results after me Posted Saturday at 08:33 PM (edited) Edited Sunday at 03:43 PM by Holdtodie and i recieved 2nd place. BUT I THINK TO MYSELF OK HE RESERVED SPOT ABOVE ME THEREFORE HE WON I also send messaage to MOD asking about how does it work that higher payout wins and my bet and post was earlier with same 450x payout but never recieved reply, message was still not read until now. SO NEXT CHALLENGE: SMARTER BY LAST experience i 'reserved' top spot under post and got highest pay out x1013,76 https://bc.game/#/sd/10Z3QTW1BH6UXF as well as one other player who posted same multi much later than me aaaannnd AGAIN I GOT 2nd place and someone else got 1st, so the same rule that applied in challenge 96 didn't apply here... strange.... Maxxxxxxxx. 1013xtralalala. 1013x NEXT i didn't even try so hard a i seen NO POINT as rules are unclear and MOD don't have time to read not to mention reply to messages I got 3rd place and everything seems to be fine.... NicoIe. 1000xRisingStarGws. 1000xtralalala. 420x BUT THEN MESSAGE WITH MY REWARD CODE COMES IN: Started conversation: yesterday at 12:27 AM Moderator $[BCGAME-1D2A4SX3QVOWPW4I2JS5YGGWRGQ]$ Here is your code Have a wonderful lucky day! In case of any other assistance, please feel free to reach out to us! Best of luck!Here is your code Have a wonderful lucky day! In case of any other assistance, please feel free to reach out to us! Best of luck! Quote tralalala 1 Replied: 22 hours ago THIS bonus code is deactivated!!! NO REPLY EVER RECIEVED, other USER also had same issue: BUT ONLY RESPONSE WE FOUND WAS: Black Tiger reacted to a post in a topic: Daily challenges #99 12 hours ago SO I FOLLOWED NEXT MESSAGE: winners Daily Challenges #98 2 members active in this conversation (including you) Black Tiger Not read yet tralalala Read: Just now tralalala 1 Started conversation: 22 hours ago You send me deactivated shitcode, dont know if you aware of that But as YOU see he coudn't be bothered to even read it. FOR THE LAST I THOUGHT: MAYBE MAX PAYOUT MEANS MAX PROFIT??? SO i smashed it and outclass everyone winning 10 times more: https://bc.game/#/sd/10Z9ET6AR6LOUR but still: ZR0910. 139xRakorbakc. 123xtralalala. 97x winners Daily Challenges #99 2 members active in this conversation (including you) Black Tiger Not read yet tralalala Read: Just now tralalala 1 Started conversation: 12 hours ago You send me deactivated shitcode for 98 challange and not only me, dont know if you aware of that 1651169 SO TO SUM UP MY EXPERIENCE: When 2 people had same pay out person with earliest post won on day 1. When 2 people had same pay out person with earliest post (ME) didn't win on day 2. When You recieve DEACTIVATED reward code and point it out- You are laughed at or not getting any response. When You have Highest profit You don't win so it should not matter in day 1 and 2. THIS IS REQUIRED: DM/PM BlackTiger(forum)And wait for accepting.( If you accepted and didn't answer for 5 min you will be removed and have to join again) Share the screenshot Share the win bet link (daily challenges) Share your flashdrop (double flashdrop) Share UID or Profile linkWait for a response to get the winning code (1-12 hours)please be patient WHILE HE HAVE ALL INFO THERE IN POST!! OTHER MODS ON OTHER CHALLENGES JUST SEND YOU CODE IF YOU WIN!! I SUGGEST PEOPLE DO JOB THEY ENJOY DOING AND TAKE IT SEARIOUSLY, IM not participating in ANYMORE DAILY CHALLENGES, I DON'T HOPE TO RECIEVE MISSING CODE, I'M JUST SAYING YOU HAVE NO RIGHTS TO PUT: Have a wonderful lucky day!In case of any other assistance, please feel free to reach out to us! JUST POINTING OUT HOW PEOPLE WHO FOLLOW RUTINE AND ARE SURE ON THEIR POSITION STOP GIVING F$%K ABOUT THINGS THEY DO! THATS KINDA SAD>>> STAY LUCKY! i recommend BCGame_Ewa challenges, no hustle, clear rules
  9. SCam reported, this is not FREE BET you looser
  10. 1651169 https://bc.game/#/sd/10Z9FBYORLH2XF
  11. User Id: 1651169 https://bc.game/#/sd/10YZB6E6H48WER https://bc.game/#/sd/10YZBKNDBM7THV
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