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BCGame_Maxim last won the day on September 6

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  1. hi bro, i need help, my prize event prestige 109?? 


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    2. Kevinza22


      Hello, thank you for responding, but the prestige 109 was just a limbo game, there were no more games. I left you the link so you can corroborate. greetings

    3. BCGame_Maxim


      Hello @Kevinza22

      The event took place from December 4th to December 11th. In Prestige #109, your bet value was $0.10, falling below the required minimum of $0.20, rendering your bet invalid. Stay positive – upcoming challenges offer greater rewards and excitement.

    4. Kevinza22


      Hello, if at the time the fiat ars was worth more, here I leave the post with the value in USD it was 0.22


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