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Status Replies posted by Goodone1

  1. Top-5 Leagues Extravaganza

    Hi,  This is a very good contest. just like we are playing the league.  i joined this late and unfamiliar at the begining, i think most people the same at starts.  Just a dozen or two quality participants, sure will  competing till last day... Looking for it again and im ready to challenge the top.....

    1. Goodone1


      Great.. looking forward for the challenge 👍

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. Top 5 league extravaganza reward is still not distributed? Any particular reason why it's taking too long and when it's expected?

    1. Goodone1


      forget about it, all been voided. users pay nothing, so there is no refund or whatever payout.. close it...as beening cancelled and mark as unsuccessful campaign

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

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