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CHEATING MERCHANTS IN INDIA. I need response by admin or support that this has been read.



Please note that , some of your merchants are taking advantage of your reliance and trust on them. 


Our proofs hold no value. But their word...saying " we dint receive the payment." is enough for you without any checks or punishments to them. The entire forum is filled with Indian fictitious companies as your merchants who deny that they received fund.


i have two deposits that havent been credited 1) amount 1000inr other is 5000 inr. for both i have submitted the upi id ... the transaction id is F-1798082180440019506 and F-1798007389524251307


And its not just about me ..100's of people have teh same problem.


1`) Money sent proof, 2) bank confirming money gone. 3) merchant cheats. 4) support takes 10- hours to reply by the time u left  live chat ...and no one to help.


I want all those people who have similar issue to report here with merchants names. and BC game needs to actually set up measures to penalize them and not the Innocent customers you advertised and attracted to trust you.


I  will be reporting to our govt. and all these illegal scaming merchants will pay through their nose.


 I will also send a letter to our POrime minister to Block BC game and its sponsers to ever do business in India. Unless you punish your merchants , give us our money. and set some measures to counter check who is lieing.


PROOFS HAVE BEEN GIVEN. Thier word > our proof and our bank's word????


I giveu guys 7 more days before i take action. I promise i wont stop till u guys get justice.

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