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how to better guess which segment level to bet on

Monstrous Eberto

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so i tried explaining this in the screenshots. but didn't get to as well as i planned. but here's what i'm learning about this game.

i started off playing this game on low risk and now i play it only on high risk. why? because i'm now only having to guess how deep into the segment is it going to stop when i hit my win. this changes the need to raise your bet to catch profit. instead i just change the segment to a higher number if i want a higher payout. and a lower segment if i sense its going to stop before the segment i'm currently betting for.  After a win or two i'll go back to minimum bet to race through the expected loss streaks and when i sense if its going to hit i'll raise my bet and then i'll contemplate if it will be a shallow 10 (stopping in the first half of the blue) or a deeper 10 (stopping past half way into the blue) if i decide its going to stop deeper, i will change to a higher segment. 

Another way i was playing earlier was betting on 10 till it won the raising my segment till i hit all of them. however i was able to hit 50 when betting a 40 segment and when i raised to 50 after it went to where i wopuld have won a 40 segment. so this is why i am pointing this new strategy out.

hope it helps. 





The segment at high risk stays the same slice of pizza. just gets smaller of course.

terrible at jokes but seeing one anyways;

its like opposite of what we're taught, that the more you invite to the party, the more slices of pizza you'll need. well at bc.game you want the smaller slices. because they are magically bigger and fill you better than the big ones. big slice = 9.9x v.s. smallest slices = 49.5x... La^.^e/  I Know ðŸ™ƒ 


so long as you keep your eye on you're slice you'll be satisfied.


be fat to be safe.


lol. 🤪 

anyone who can make this joke a joke that makes me literally laugh out loud, i'll tip you in game 🙂

anyways, as i said in the third screenshot, i'll post more of what i'm trying to explain.

they will be separate comments to this post that are in groups of 2 to 5 pictures depending which segment hits or would have hit. simply take note of the red arrows as i'm sure you'll understand what i'm seeing too. and then come to my pizza party. i have one pizza. and i want only one slice. who else is coming?  share your wins if you're using this strategy. lets call it the Wheel Pizza Strategy. we'll pizza strategy. real piece of strat. ay G?

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segment 40 0r 50 would have lost so glad i was being fat ðŸ¤ª

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  • 3 weeks later...

Very interesting concept - how often does this strategy work for you?

"Life is the biggest scam of all, because eventually you die."

- digitaldash

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  • 2 weeks later...

if High Risk, 50 Segments hits a win, all the other Segments Hit a win also --> 40, 30 ,20, 10. 

40 segments hits a win then 30-10 also hit a win. 


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  On 8/23/2020 at 10:21 AM, ][NT3L][G3NC][ said:

if High Risk, 50 Segments hits a win, all the other Segments Hit a win also --> 40, 30 ,20, 10. 

40 segments hits a win then 30-10 also hit a win. 


yes as its only one piece of the pie and only gets smaller as you add more segments. 



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