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爆點遊戲自動腳本 (賭3倍)


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此腳本固定賭 3 倍,並自動決定下注金額、下注時機 (懶人福音)
 (防止腳本下注超過限制) 或者改變風險 (增加或減少)

//自動 3倍
var ruleData = [

function setRuleToTitle() {
    for (var a = 0; a < ruleData.length; a++) {
        config["rule" + a] = { label: "(" + (a) + ") " + ruleData[a].replace(/\,/g, ", ").replace(/:/g, "="), type: "title" };
var config = {
    title: { label: currency.amount + " ( " + currency.minAmount + "~" + currency.maxAmount + " )", type: 'title' },
    title1: { label: "固定賭 3 倍,什麼時候下、下注金額、輸了乘幾倍都會自動計算", type: "title" },
    title2: { label: "※ 填寫現在獎池金額、確保不會超過獎池限制。如果你的資金很少、不可能超過獎池,可以寫 0。獎池金額是變動的、請經常更新此欄位。", type: "title" },
    title3: { label: "※ 填寫追加次數、改變容許的連輸次數以控制風險,標準為 1。增加次數、下注金額減少、撐過連輸次數變多、風險減少。減少次數、下注金額增多、撐過連輸次數減少、風險增加。", type: "title" },
    pool: { label: '獎池', value: 0, type: 'number' },
    extra: { label: '追加次數', value: 2, type: 'number' },

var currentPayout = 3;
var rebetRatio = 1 / (currentPayout - 1) + 1;
var currentBet = 0;
var historyStr = "";
var rules, candidate;
var currentRule = null;
var currentRepeat = 0;
var currentLaps = 0;
var poolLimit = 0;
var overLaps = new Array();

var loseCount = 0;
var count = 0;
var profitMin = 0;
var profitMax = 0;
var profit = 0;
var loseMax = 0;
var totalLaps = 0;
var joinLaps = 0;

function main() {
    if (config.pool.value > 0) {
        poolLimit = config.pool.value * 0.0075 / currentPayout;
    log.info("最大撐到 " + (getAllowableLaps()) + " 局");
    engine.on('GAME_STARTING', function() {
        totalLaps += 1;
        if (candidate != null && candidate.length > 0) {
            joinLaps += 1;
            var maxCandidate = candidate[0];
            for (var a = 0; a < candidate.length; a++) {
                if (candidate[a][3] > maxCandidate[3]) {
                    maxCandidate = candidate[a];
            log.info(" ");
            log.success(stringReverse(historyStr.substr(0, 20)));
            log.info("規則 (" + maxCandidate[0] + ") x" + maxCandidate[1] + "," + (loseCount + 1) + "/" + maxCandidate[2] + "/" + getAllowableLaps() + " 局,下注 " + round(maxCandidate[3]));
            currentRule = maxCandidate;
            currentBet = maxCandidate[3];
            if (currentBet <= 0) {
            engine.bet(currentBet, currentPayout)
                .catch(function(err) {
                    if (loseCount >= currentRule[2] - config.extra.value) {
    engine.on('GAME_ENDED', function() {
        var history = engine.getHistory();
        var lastGame = history[0];
        if (lastGame.wager) {
            lastGame.profit = (lastGame.wager * lastGame.cashedAt / 100) - lastGame.wager;
            if (lastGame.cashedAt) {
                count = 0;
                currentRule = null;
                loseCount = 0;
                log.success('We won ' + (lastGame.crash / 100) + " x, " + lastGame.profit);
            } else {
                loseCount += 1;
                if (loseCount > currentRule[2] - config.extra.value) {
                    overLaps[overLaps.length] = currentRule;
                log.error('We lost ' + (lastGame.crash / 100) + " x, " + lastGame.profit);
            profit += lastGame.profit;
            profitMax = Math.max(profitMax, profit);
            profitMin = Math.min(profitMin, profit);
            loseMax = Math.max(loseMax, count);


function getAltBetAmount(laps) {
    firstBet = currency.amount * (1 - rebetRatio) / (1 - Math.pow(rebetRatio, laps));
    if (firstBet < currency.minAmount) {
        log.error("剩餘金額 " + currency.amount + " 不足以撐過 " + laps + " 局。");
        log.error("getAltBetAmount laps 不能大於 " + getAllowableLaps() + " 次。");
        return -2;

    lastBet = Math.pow(rebetRatio, laps - 1) * firstBet;
    if (lastBet > getLimit()) {
        firstBet = getLimit() / Math.pow(rebetRatio, laps - 1);
        lastBet = Math.pow(rebetRatio, laps - 1) * firstBet;
    return firstBet < currency.minAmount ? -1 : firstBet;

function checkResult() {
    candidate = new Array();
    var safeLaps = getAllowableLaps();
    for (var a = 0; a < rules.length; a++) {
        var rule = rules[a];
        var pattren = stringReverse(rule[0]);
        var endIndex = -1;
        var startIndex = historyStr.indexOf(pattren, endIndex);
        if (currentRule != null && currentRule[0] == a) {
            candidate[candidate.length] = [a, currentRepeat, currentLaps, currentBet * rebetRatio];
        if (startIndex != 0) {
        endIndex = startIndex + pattren.length;
        var secondIndex = historyStr.indexOf(pattren, endIndex);
        while (secondIndex == endIndex) {
            endIndex = secondIndex + pattren.length;
            secondIndex = historyStr.indexOf(pattren, endIndex);
        var repeat = (endIndex - startIndex) / pattren.length;
        var last = rule[rule.length - 1];
        if (repeat > last[0]) {
            if (safeLaps >= last[1]) {
                currentRepeat = last[0];
                currentLaps = last[1];
                candidate[candidate.length] = [a, currentRepeat, currentLaps, getAltBetAmount(currentLaps)];
                log.info(candidate[candidate.length - 1]);
        } else {
            for (var b = rule.length - 1; b > 0; b--) {
                if (repeat >= rule[b][0]) {
                    if (safeLaps >= rule[b][1]) {
                        currentRepeat = rule[b][0];
                        currentLaps = rule[b][1];
                        candidate[candidate.length] = [a, currentRepeat, currentLaps, getAltBetAmount(currentLaps)];
                } else {

function getLimit() {
    var limit = currency.maxAmount;
    if (config.pool.value > 0) {
        limit = Math.min(currency.maxAmount, poolLimit);
    return limit;

function getAllowableLaps() {
    return Math.floor(1 - getBaseLog(rebetRatio, currency.minAmount / Math.min(currency.amount / currentPayout, getLimit())));

function createRules() {
    rules = new Array();
    for (var a = 0; a < ruleData.length; a++) {
        var index1 = ruleData[a].indexOf(",");
        var index2 = index1 > 0 ? ruleData[a].indexOf(":", index1 + 2) : -1;
        if (index2 >= 3) {
            var index3 = rules.length;
            var rr = rules[index3] = ruleData[a].split(",");
            for (var b = 1; b < rr.length; b++) {
                var rrr = rr[b] = rr[b].split(":");
                if (rrr.length == 2) {
                    rrr[0] = parseInt(rrr[0]);
                    rrr[1] = Math.max(0, parseInt(rrr[1]) + config.extra.value);

function createHistory(history) {
    if (historyStr.length < 20) {
        for (record of history) {
            historyStr = historyStr + (record.crash / 100 >= currentPayout ? 1 : 0);
    } else {
        historyStr = (history[0].crash / 100 >= currentPayout ? 1 : 0) + historyStr;
        while (historyStr.length > 100) {
            historyStr = historyStr.substr(0, 100);

function getBaseLog(x, y) {
    return Math.log(y) / Math.log(x);

function stringReverse(str) {
    return str.split("").reverse().join("");

function round(num) {
    return Math.round(num * 100000000) / 100000000;

function out() {
    log.success('profit = ' + round(profit) + " ( " + round(profitMin) + " ~ " + round(profitMax) + " )");
    var str = "";
    if (loseCount) {
        str = '輸 ' + loseCount + " 回、";
    log.info("參與 " + joinLaps + "、放棄 " + (totalLaps - joinLaps) + "、共 " + totalLaps + "、" + str + "最大連輸 " + loseMax);
    if (overLaps.length > 0) {
        for (var a = 0; a < overLaps.length; a++) {



  1. 先選好你要使用的幣別。
  2. [運行] 這個腳本。
  3. [獎池] 欄位填寫該幣別獎池總金額,可防止自動下注金額超過獎池限制。如果你的本金小、不可能超過獎池限制,可以填 0。
  4. [追加次數] 欄位預設為 1,數字減少風險變大、數字增加風險變小。風險大小關係到下注金額大小、也影響獲利大小。
  5. 調整好以上兩個欄位後再點 [運行腳本]。


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//自動 3倍
var ruleData = [

function setRuleToTitle() {
    for (var a = 0; a < ruleData.length; a++) {
        config["rule" + a] = { label: "(" + (a) + ") " + ruleData[a].replace(/\,/g, ", ").replace(/:/g, "="), type: "title" };
var config = {
    title: { label: currency.amount + " ( " + currency.minAmount + "~" + currency.maxAmount + " )", type: 'title' },
    title1: { label: "固定賭 3 倍,什麼時候下、下注金額、輸了乘幾倍都會自動計算", type: "title" },
    title2: { label: "※ 填寫現在獎池金額、確保不會超過獎池限制。如果你的資金很少、不可能超過獎池,可以寫 0。獎池金額是變動的、請經常更新此欄位。", type: "title" },
    title3: { label: "※ 填寫追加次數、改變容許的連輸次數以控制風險,標準為 1。增加次數、下注金額減少、撐過連輸次數變多、風險減少。減少次數、下注金額增多、撐過連輸次數減少、風險增加。", type: "title" },
    pool: { label: '獎池', value: 0, type: 'number' },
    extra: { label: '追加次數', value: 2, type: 'number' },

var currentPayout = 3;
var rebetRatio = 1 / (currentPayout - 1) + 1;
var currentBet = 0;
var historyStr = "";
var rules, candidate;
var currentRule = null;
var currentRepeat = 0;
var currentLaps = 0;
var poolLimit = 0;
var overLaps = new Array();

var loseCount = 0;
var count = 0;
var profitMin = 0;
var profitMax = 0;
var profit = 0;
var loseMax = 0;
var totalLaps = 0;
var joinLaps = 0;

function main() {
    if (config.pool.value > 0) {
        poolLimit = config.pool.value * 0.0075 / currentPayout;
    log.info("最大撐到 " + (getAllowableLaps()) + " 局");
    engine.on('GAME_STARTING', function() {
        totalLaps += 1;
        if (candidate != null && candidate.length > 0) {
            joinLaps += 1;
            var maxCandidate = candidate[0];
            for (var a = 0; a < candidate.length; a++) {
                if (candidate[a][3] > maxCandidate[3]) {
                    maxCandidate = candidate[a];
            log.info(" ");
            log.success(stringReverse(historyStr.substr(0, 20)));
            log.info("規則 (" + maxCandidate[0] + ") x" + maxCandidate[1] + "," + (loseCount + 1) + "/" + maxCandidate[2] + "/" + getAllowableLaps() + " 局,下注 " + round(maxCandidate[3]));
            currentRule = maxCandidate;
            currentBet = maxCandidate[3];
            if (currentBet <= 0) {
            engine.bet(currentBet, currentPayout)
                .catch(function(err) {
                    if (loseCount >= currentRule[2] - config.extra.value) {
    engine.on('GAME_ENDED', function() {
        var history = engine.getHistory();
        var lastGame = history[0];
        if (lastGame.wager) {
            lastGame.profit = (lastGame.wager * lastGame.cashedAt / 100) - lastGame.wager;
            if (lastGame.cashedAt) {
                count = 0;
                currentRule = null;
                loseCount = 0;
                log.success('We won ' + (lastGame.crash / 100) + " x, " + lastGame.profit);
            } else {
                loseCount += 1;
                if (loseCount > currentRule[2] - config.extra.value) {
                    overLaps[overLaps.length] = currentRule;
                log.error('We lost ' + (lastGame.crash / 100) + " x, " + lastGame.profit);
            profit += lastGame.profit;
            profitMax = Math.max(profitMax, profit);
            profitMin = Math.min(profitMin, profit);
            loseMax = Math.max(loseMax, count);


function getAltBetAmount(laps) {
    firstBet = currency.amount * (1 - rebetRatio) / (1 - Math.pow(rebetRatio, laps));
    if (firstBet < currency.minAmount) {
        log.error("剩餘金額 " + currency.amount + " 不足以撐過 " + laps + " 局。");
        log.error("getAltBetAmount laps 不能大於 " + getAllowableLaps() + " 次。");
        return -2;

    lastBet = Math.pow(rebetRatio, laps - 1) * firstBet;
    if (lastBet > getLimit()) {
        firstBet = getLimit() / Math.pow(rebetRatio, laps - 1);
        lastBet = Math.pow(rebetRatio, laps - 1) * firstBet;
    return firstBet < currency.minAmount ? -1 : firstBet;

function checkResult() {
    candidate = new Array();
    var safeLaps = getAllowableLaps();
    for (var a = 0; a < rules.length; a++) {
        var rule = rules[a];
        var pattren = stringReverse(rule[0]);
        var endIndex = -1;
        var startIndex = historyStr.indexOf(pattren, endIndex);
        if (currentRule != null && currentRule[0] == a) {
            candidate[candidate.length] = [a, currentRepeat, currentLaps, currentBet * rebetRatio];
        if (startIndex != 0) {
        endIndex = startIndex + pattren.length;
        var secondIndex = historyStr.indexOf(pattren, endIndex);
        while (secondIndex == endIndex) {
            endIndex = secondIndex + pattren.length;
            secondIndex = historyStr.indexOf(pattren, endIndex);
        var repeat = (endIndex - startIndex) / pattren.length;
        var last = rule[rule.length - 1];
        if (repeat > last[0]) {
            if (safeLaps >= last[1]) {
                currentRepeat = last[0];
                currentLaps = last[1];
                candidate[candidate.length] = [a, currentRepeat, currentLaps, getAltBetAmount(currentLaps)];
                log.info(candidate[candidate.length - 1]);
        } else {
            for (var b = rule.length - 1; b > 0; b--) {
                if (repeat >= rule[b][0]) {
                    if (safeLaps >= rule[b][1]) {
                        currentRepeat = rule[b][0];
                        currentLaps = rule[b][1];
                        candidate[candidate.length] = [a, currentRepeat, currentLaps, getAltBetAmount(currentLaps)];
                } else {

function getLimit() {
    var limit = currency.maxAmount;
    if (config.pool.value > 0) {
        limit = Math.min(currency.maxAmount, poolLimit);
    return limit;

function getAllowableLaps() {
    return Math.floor(1 - getBaseLog(rebetRatio, currency.minAmount / Math.min(currency.amount / currentPayout, getLimit())));

function createRules() {
    rules = new Array();
    for (var a = 0; a < ruleData.length; a++) {
        var index1 = ruleData[a].indexOf(",");
        var index2 = index1 > 0 ? ruleData[a].indexOf(":", index1 + 2) : -1;
        if (index2 >= 3) {
            var index3 = rules.length;
            var rr = rules[index3] = ruleData[a].split(",");
            for (var b = 1; b < rr.length; b++) {
                var rrr = rr[b] = rr[b].split(":");
                if (rrr.length == 2) {
                    rrr[0] = parseInt(rrr[0]);
                    rrr[1] = Math.max(0, parseInt(rrr[1]) + config.extra.value);

function createHistory(history) {
    if (historyStr.length < 20) {
        for (record of history) {
            historyStr = historyStr + (record.crash / 100 >= currentPayout ? 1 : 0);
    } else {
        historyStr = (history[0].crash / 100 >= currentPayout ? 1 : 0) + historyStr;
        while (historyStr.length > 100) {
            historyStr = historyStr.substr(0, 100);

function getBaseLog(x, y) {
    return Math.log(y) / Math.log(x);

function stringReverse(str) {
    return str.split("").reverse().join("");

function round(num) {
    return Math.round(num * 100000000) / 100000000;

function out() {
    log.success('profit = ' + round(profit) + " ( " + round(profitMin) + " ~ " + round(profitMax) + " )");
    var str = "";
    if (loseCount) {
        str = '輸 ' + loseCount + " 回、";
    log.info("參與 " + joinLaps + "、放棄 " + (totalLaps - joinLaps) + "、共 " + totalLaps + "、" + str + "最大連輸 " + loseMax);
    if (overLaps.length > 0) {
        for (var a = 0; a < overLaps.length; a++) {


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//自動 3倍
var ruleData = [

function setRuleToTitle() {
    for (var a = 0; a < ruleData.length; a++) {
        config["rule" + a] = { label: "(" + (a) + ") " + ruleData[a].replace(/\,/g, ", ").replace(/:/g, "="), type: "title" };
var config = {
    title: { label: currency.amount + " ( " + currency.minAmount + "~" + currency.maxAmount + " )", type: 'title' },
    title1: { label: "固定賭 3 倍,什麼時候下、下注金額、輸了乘幾倍都會自動計算", type: "title" },
    title2: { label: "※ 填寫現在獎池金額、確保不會超過獎池限制。如果你的資金很少、不可能超過獎池,可以寫 0。獎池金額是變動的、請經常更新此欄位。", type: "title" },
    title3: { label: "※ 填寫追加次數、改變容許的連輸次數以控制風險,標準為 1。增加次數、下注金額減少、撐過連輸次數變多、風險減少。減少次數、下注金額增多、撐過連輸次數減少、風險增加。", type: "title" },
    pool: { label: '獎池', value: 0, type: 'number' },
    extra: { label: '追加次數', value: 2, type: 'number' },

var currentPayout = 3;
var rebetRatio = 1 / (currentPayout - 1) + 1;
var currentBet = 0;
var historyStr = "";
var rules, candidate;
var currentRule = null;
var currentRepeat = 0;
var currentLaps = 0;
var poolLimit = 0;
var overLaps = new Array();

var loseCount = 0;
var count = 0;
var profitMin = 0;
var profitMax = 0;
var profit = 0;
var loseMax = 0;
var totalLaps = 0;
var joinLaps = 0;

function main() {
    if (config.pool.value > 0) {
        poolLimit = config.pool.value * 0.0075 / currentPayout;
    log.info("最大撐到 " + (getAllowableLaps()) + " 局");
    engine.on('GAME_STARTING', function() {
        totalLaps += 1;
        if (candidate != null && candidate.length > 0) {
            joinLaps += 1;
            var maxCandidate = candidate[0];
            for (var a = 0; a < candidate.length; a++) {
                if (candidate[a][3] > maxCandidate[3]) {
                    maxCandidate = candidate[a];
            log.info(" ");
            log.success(stringReverse(historyStr.substr(0, 20)));
            log.info("規則 (" + maxCandidate[0] + ") x" + maxCandidate[1] + "," + (loseCount + 1) + "/" + maxCandidate[2] + "/" + getAllowableLaps() + " 局,下注 " + round(maxCandidate[3]));
            currentRule = maxCandidate;
            currentBet = maxCandidate[3];
            if (currentBet <= 0) {
            engine.bet(currentBet, currentPayout)
                .catch(function(err) {
                    if (loseCount >= currentRule[2] - config.extra.value) {
    engine.on('GAME_ENDED', function() {
        var history = engine.getHistory();
        var lastGame = history[0];
        if (lastGame.wager) {
            lastGame.profit = (lastGame.wager * lastGame.cashedAt / 100) - lastGame.wager;
            if (lastGame.cashedAt) {
                count = 0;
                currentRule = null;
                loseCount = 0;
                log.success('We won ' + (lastGame.crash / 100) + " x, " + lastGame.profit);
            } else {
                loseCount += 1;
                if (loseCount > currentRule[2] - config.extra.value) {
                    overLaps[overLaps.length] = currentRule;
                log.error('We lost ' + (lastGame.crash / 100) + " x, " + lastGame.profit);
            profit += lastGame.profit;
            profitMax = Math.max(profitMax, profit);
            profitMin = Math.min(profitMin, profit);
            loseMax = Math.max(loseMax, count);


function getAltBetAmount(laps) {
    firstBet = currency.amount * (1 - rebetRatio) / (1 - Math.pow(rebetRatio, laps));
    if (firstBet < currency.minAmount) {
        log.error("剩餘金額 " + currency.amount + " 不足以撐過 " + laps + " 局。");
        log.error("getAltBetAmount laps 不能大於 " + getAllowableLaps() + " 次。");
        return -2;

    lastBet = Math.pow(rebetRatio, laps - 1) * firstBet;
    if (lastBet > getLimit()) {
        firstBet = getLimit() / Math.pow(rebetRatio, laps - 1);
        lastBet = Math.pow(rebetRatio, laps - 1) * firstBet;
    return firstBet < currency.minAmount ? -1 : firstBet;

function checkResult() {
    candidate = new Array();
    var safeLaps = getAllowableLaps();
    for (var a = 0; a < rules.length; a++) {
        var rule = rules[a];
        var pattren = stringReverse(rule[0]);
        var endIndex = -1;
        var startIndex = historyStr.indexOf(pattren, endIndex);
        if (currentRule != null && currentRule[0] == a) {
            candidate[candidate.length] = [a, currentRepeat, currentLaps, currentBet * rebetRatio];
        if (startIndex != 0) {
        endIndex = startIndex + pattren.length;
        var secondIndex = historyStr.indexOf(pattren, endIndex);
        while (secondIndex == endIndex) {
            endIndex = secondIndex + pattren.length;
            secondIndex = historyStr.indexOf(pattren, endIndex);
        var repeat = (endIndex - startIndex) / pattren.length;
        var last = rule[rule.length - 1];
        if (repeat > last[0]) {
            if (safeLaps >= last[1]) {
                currentRepeat = last[0];
                currentLaps = last[1];
                candidate[candidate.length] = [a, currentRepeat, currentLaps, getAltBetAmount(currentLaps)];
                log.info(candidate[candidate.length - 1]);
        } else {
            for (var b = rule.length - 1; b > 0; b--) {
                if (repeat >= rule[b][0]) {
                    if (safeLaps >= rule[b][1]) {
                        currentRepeat = rule[b][0];
                        currentLaps = rule[b][1];
                        candidate[candidate.length] = [a, currentRepeat, currentLaps, getAltBetAmount(currentLaps)];
                } else {

function getLimit() {
    var limit = currency.maxAmount;
    if (config.pool.value > 0) {
        limit = Math.min(currency.maxAmount, poolLimit);
    return limit;

function getAllowableLaps() {
    return Math.floor(1 - getBaseLog(rebetRatio, currency.minAmount / Math.min(currency.amount / currentPayout, getLimit())));

function createRules() {
    rules = new Array();
    for (var a = 0; a < ruleData.length; a++) {
        var index1 = ruleData[a].indexOf(",");
        var index2 = index1 > 0 ? ruleData[a].indexOf(":", index1 + 2) : -1;
        if (index2 >= 3) {
            var index3 = rules.length;
            var rr = rules[index3] = ruleData[a].split(",");
            for (var b = 1; b < rr.length; b++) {
                var rrr = rr[b] = rr[b].split(":");
                if (rrr.length == 2) {
                    rrr[0] = parseInt(rrr[0]);
                    rrr[1] = Math.max(0, parseInt(rrr[1]) + config.extra.value);

function createHistory(history) {
    if (historyStr.length < 20) {
        for (record of history) {
            historyStr = historyStr + (record.crash / 100 >= currentPayout ? 1 : 0);
    } else {
        historyStr = (history[0].crash / 100 >= currentPayout ? 1 : 0) + historyStr;
        while (historyStr.length > 100) {
            historyStr = historyStr.substr(0, 100);

function getBaseLog(x, y) {
    return Math.log(y) / Math.log(x);

function stringReverse(str) {
    return str.split("").reverse().join("");

function round(num) {
    return Math.round(num * 100000000) / 100000000;

function out() {
    log.success('profit = ' + round(profit) + " ( " + round(profitMin) + " ~ " + round(profitMax) + " )");
    var str = "";
    if (loseCount) {
        str = '輸 ' + loseCount + " 回、";
    log.info("參與 " + joinLaps + "、放棄 " + (totalLaps - joinLaps) + "、共 " + totalLaps + "、" + str + "最大連輸 " + loseMax);
    if (overLaps.length > 0) {
        for (var a = 0; a < overLaps.length; a++) {


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  • 2 weeks later...



//自動 3倍
var ruleData = [

function setRuleToTitle() {
    for (var a = 0; a < ruleData.length; a++) {
        config["rule" + a] = { label: "(" + (a) + ") " + ruleData[a].replace(/\,/g, ", ").replace(/:/g, "="), type: "title" };
var config = {
    title: { label: currency.amount + " ( " + currency.minAmount + "~" + currency.maxAmount + " )", type: 'title' },
    title1: { label: "固定賭 3 倍,什麼時候下、下注金額、輸了乘幾倍都會自動計算", type: "title" },
    title2: { label: "※ 填寫現在獎池金額、確保不會超過獎池限制。如果你的資金很少、不可能超過獎池,可以寫 0。獎池金額是變動的、請經常更新此欄位。", type: "title" },
    title3: { label: "※ 填寫追加次數、改變容許的連輸次數以控制風險,標準為 1。增加次數、下注金額減少、撐過連輸次數變多、風險減少。減少次數、下注金額增多、撐過連輸次數減少、風險增加。", type: "title" },
    pool: { label: '獎池', value: 0, type: 'number' },
    extra: { label: '追加次數', value: 2, type: 'number' },

var currentPayout = 3;
var rebetRatio = 1 / (currentPayout - 1) + 1;
var currentBet = 0;
var historyStr = "";
var rules, candidate;
var currentRule = null;
var currentRepeat = 0;
var currentLaps = 0;
var poolLimit = 0;
var overLaps = new Array();

var loseCount = 0;
var count = 0;
var profitMin = 0;
var profitMax = 0;
var profit = 0;
var loseMax = 0;
var totalLaps = 0;
var joinLaps = 0;

function main() {
    if (config.pool.value > 0) { 
        poolLimit = config.pool.value * 0.0075 / currentPayout;
    log.info("最大撐到 " + (getAllowableLaps()) + " 局");

    engine.on('GAME_STARTING', function() {
        totalLaps += 1;
        if (candidate != null && candidate.length > 0) {
            joinLaps += 1;
            var maxCandidate = candidate[0];
            for (var a = 0; a < candidate.length; a++) {
                if (candidate[a][3] > maxCandidate[3]) {
                    maxCandidate = candidate[a];
            log.info(" ");
            log.success(stringReverse(historyStr.substr(0, 20)));
            var historyLaps = maxCandidate[2];
            if (maxCandidate[4] > 0) {
                historyLaps += "-" + maxCandidate[4];
            log.info("規則 (" + maxCandidate[0] + ") x" + maxCandidate[1] + "," + (loseCount + 1) + "/" + historyLaps + "/" + getAllowableLaps() + " 局,下注 " + round(maxCandidate[3]));
            currentRule = maxCandidate;
            currentBet = maxCandidate[3];
            if (currentBet <= 0) {
            engine.bet(currentBet, currentPayout)
                .catch(function(err) {
                    if (loseCount >= currentRule[2] - config.extra.value) {
    engine.on('GAME_ENDED', function() {
        var history = engine.getHistory();
        var lastGame = history[0];
        if (lastGame.wager) {
            lastGame.profit = (lastGame.wager * lastGame.cashedAt / 100) - lastGame.wager;
            if (lastGame.cashedAt) {
                count = 0;
                currentRule = null;
                loseCount = 0;
                log.success('開 ' + (lastGame.crash / 100) + ", 贏了 " + lastGame.profit);
            } else {
                loseCount += 1;
                if (loseCount > currentRule[2] - config.extra.value) {
                    overLaps[overLaps.length] = currentRule;
                log.error('開 ' + (lastGame.crash / 100) + ", 輸了 " + lastGame.profit);
            profit += lastGame.profit;
            profitMax = Math.max(profitMax, profit);
            profitMin = Math.min(profitMin, profit);
            loseMax = Math.max(loseMax, count);


function getAltBetAmount(laps) {
    firstBet = currency.amount * (1 - rebetRatio) / (1 - Math.pow(rebetRatio, laps));
    if (firstBet < currency.minAmount) {
        log.error("剩餘金額 " + currency.amount + " 不足以撐過 " + laps + " 局。");
        log.error("getAltBetAmount laps 不能大於 " + getAllowableLaps() + " 次。");
        return -2;

    lastBet = Math.pow(rebetRatio, laps - 1) * firstBet;
    if (lastBet > getLimit()) {
        firstBet = getLimit() / Math.pow(rebetRatio, laps - 1);
        lastBet = Math.pow(rebetRatio, laps - 1) * firstBet;
    return firstBet < currency.minAmount ? -1 : firstBet;

function checkResult() {
    candidate = new Array();
    var safeLaps = getAllowableLaps();
    for (var a = 0; a < rules.length; a++) {
        if (currentRule != null && currentRule[0] == a) {
            currentRule[3] *= rebetRatio;
            candidate[candidate.length] = currentRule;
        var rule = rules[a];
        var pattren = stringReverse(rule[0]);
        var endIndex = -1;
        var startIndex = historyStr.indexOf(pattren, endIndex);
        var leftZero = 0;
        if (startIndex != -1 && historyStr.indexOf("1") == startIndex) {
            leftZero = startIndex;
        } else {
        endIndex = startIndex + pattren.length;
        var secondIndex = historyStr.indexOf(pattren, endIndex);
        while (secondIndex == endIndex) {
            endIndex = secondIndex + pattren.length;
            secondIndex = historyStr.indexOf(pattren, endIndex);
        var repeat = (endIndex - startIndex) / pattren.length;
        var last = rule[rule.length - 1];
        var matchRule = null;
        if (repeat > last[0]) {
            if (safeLaps >= last[1] - leftZero) {
                matchRule = last;
        } else {
            for (var b = rule.length - 1; b > 0; b--) {
                if (repeat >= rule[b][0]) {
                    if (safeLaps >= rule[b][1] - leftZero) {
                        matchRule = rule[b];
                } else {
        if (matchRule != null) {
            currentRepeat = matchRule[0];
            currentLaps = matchRule[1];
            candidate[candidate.length] = [a, currentRepeat, currentLaps, getAltBetAmount(currentLaps - leftZero), leftZero];

function getLimit() {
    var limit = currency.maxAmount;
    if (config.pool.value > 0) {
        limit = Math.min(currency.maxAmount, poolLimit);
    return limit;

function getAllowableLaps() {
    return Math.floor(1 - getBaseLog(rebetRatio, currency.minAmount / Math.min(currency.amount / currentPayout, getLimit())));

function createRules() {
    rules = new Array();
    for (var a = 0; a < ruleData.length; a++) {
        var index1 = ruleData[a].indexOf(",");
        var index2 = index1 > 0 ? ruleData[a].indexOf(":", index1 + 2) : -1;
        if (index2 >= 3) {
            var index3 = rules.length;
            var rr = rules[index3] = ruleData[a].split(",");
            for (var b = 1; b < rr.length; b++) {
                var rrr = rr[b] = rr[b].split(":");
                if (rrr.length == 2) {
                    rrr[0] = parseInt(rrr[0]);
                    rrr[1] = Math.max(0, parseInt(rrr[1]) + config.extra.value);

function createHistory(history) {
    if (historyStr.length < 20) {
        for (record of history) {
            historyStr = historyStr + (record.crash / 100 >= currentPayout ? 1 : 0);
    } else {
        historyStr = (history[0].crash / 100 >= currentPayout ? 1 : 0) + historyStr;
        while (historyStr.length > 200) {
            historyStr = historyStr.substr(0, 200);

function getBaseLog(x, y) {
    return Math.log(y) / Math.log(x);

function stringReverse(str) {
    return str.split("").reverse().join("");

function round(num) {
    return Math.round(num * 100000000) / 100000000;

function out() {
    log.success('profit = ' + round(profit) + " ( " + round(profitMin) + " ~ " + round(profitMax) + " )");
    var str = "";
    if (loseCount) {
        str = '輸 ' + loseCount + " 回、";
    log.info("參 " + joinLaps + "、棄 " + (totalLaps - joinLaps) + "、共 " + totalLaps + "、" + str + "最大連輸 " + loseMax);
    if (overLaps.length > 0) {
        for (var a = 0; a < overLaps.length; a++) {



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